Send us a video .
Each Month, VideoWorldbook
will now feature videos from our viewers from
all over the globe.
Send in a short video clip
up to 3 minutes.
The top three most viewed
clips submitted by our viewers each month, will receive a
cash prize.
1st Place - $25.00
2nd Place - $15.00
3rd place - $10.00
The winners
will be determined by the number of visitors and clip viewings
that each clip receives. The top three winners from each month
will be
announced on the tenth
of each month to allow for viewership statistics to be verified.
Each winner, will then become
eligible for the the VideoWorldBook
Video Clip of the Year with a
current prize of $100.00 (and growing)
here For Order Form and Submission info
or contact us at
409 Executive Center, Ste. 400
El Paso, Texas 79912